Established in 1927; home of the Ames family since 1998.
Here are some random images of our life in no particular order.
Our torbie kitten, Amber, on the first day we brought her home.
Bob in the greenhouse with Rocky, our tabby cat.A view from the bridge: our house surrounded by Boise Creek floodwater.Bob (left) and his best friend Al at a cabin near Mount Rainier.Hay bales in our south pasture.A proud moment in my life: my graduation from the Boeing/IAM Joint Apprenticeship program when I became a journeywoman machinist.Bob with a couple of our Highland cattle.The greenhouse during another flood. These high waters typically quickly recede and leave no damage.Another flood photo: a view from the street.Me (Gina) getting really dirty while gardening. The greenhouse construction had just begun.When I met Bob I was a bartender at the Butcher, Baker, and Candlestick Maker in Federal Way.Me and Bob on our wedding day. It was such a joyous event!Another wedding photo.Our Siamese cat Woody playing in the Ginkgo leaves on a fall day.Me and Bob enjoying our honeymoon at a local watering hole on the island of Rarotonga.Enjoying a horseback ride during one of our many trips to Winthrop in the North Cascades.Bob and his photography gear on a jungle trail in Ecuador.Taken on one of our Harley adventures. I think this was in Wenatchee during the Apple Blossom Festival.We were surprised and excited to hear that we were going to be grandparents again.Bob caught this Northern Pike in Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories, CanadaI was thrilled to become a grandmother again!Bob at Pacific Raceway where he races his ’68 Camaro.Bob enjoying a moment with his new granddaughter.My retirement from Boeing was recognized at the Museum of Flight. I was presented with awards from our local IAM President, a Boeing Vice-President, and a representative of the IAM International.A cute photo of Rocky hiding behind the greenhouse workbench curtains.One of our first dates in the 1980’s. No one was hurt during this dart attack!Me working in the greenhouse with Rocky on an early summer day.Our neighbor took this photo of a skunk family crossing the road at the bridge near our house.Harvesting pumpkins and other squash. We used them to decorate our daughter’s October outdoor wedding.Bob trying out a new look at Sturgis during the annual motorcycle rally.Me (right), enjoying the beautiful island of Rarotonga during our honeymoon.I had fun rowing my little boat (the Tintanic) in Boise Creek one year when a beaver created a large dam downstream. The dam caused the creek to turn into a big lake. Fun!A vibrant rainbow behind some of our Highland cattle. We get a lot of beautiful rainbows!We won first prize as Robinhood and Maid Marion on a long ago Halloween. Yes, Bob wore green leggings!Bob at Volcan Baru National Park in Panama during another birding and fishing adventure.Our beloved cat Whiskey enjoying a warm spot by the fire on a winter day.Bob and I celebrating our 30th anniversary in beautiful Ecuador.It’s so wonderful to be a grandmother to this adorable little one!Our bull Sheridan took Grand Champion!Another Winthrop ride in the beautiful North Cascade hills.Me, hanging out with my witch friends during the Halloween season.